Notice of Race : Bartley Sailing Club
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Notice of Race

CLUB REGATTAS 2021 - 2024

The Organising Authority is Bartley Sailing Club.


1.1 Bartley Sailing Club implements the RYA Racing Charter and sailors are required to undertake to sail in compliance with the Charter, details of which can be found at the front of the RYA Rule Book (Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024) and on the RYA Website (

1.2 All racing will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024


2.1 Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by event coordinators and approved by the organising authority.


3.1 The club racing series are open to dinghies that comply with the rules defined by Severn Trent Water Authority and Bartley Sailing Club.

3.2 All competing helms and crews must be paid members of Bartley Sailing Club. Visiting helms and or crews shall be temporary members of Bartley Sailing Club.

3.2 Each Helmsman must sign-on before a race to declare the intention to race and sail in compliance with the RYA Racing Charter.


4.1 Refer to Bartley Sailing Club website for current membership fees.


5.1 The schedule of racing will be published in the club calendar on the Bartley Sailing Club website


6.1 The Sailing Instructions are available on the club website


7.1 The venue is Bartley Reservoir: Bartley Sailing Club, 101 Genners Lane, Birmingham B32 3NU.


8.1 Courses will be around buoys surrounded by water as outlined in the Sailing Instructions.


9.1 At least 2 races are required to be completed to constitute a series. At least 1 race is required to be completed to constitute a regatta.

9.2 Points will be awarded to Helms of the boat they sail and/or their crew. Helms may compete for a series with different boats of the same class, different crews and/or in the same boat with different rigs. Series points will be awarded on this basis.

9.3 Helms may enter more than one boat of a different class in a series. Each class of boat will be treated as a discrete entry and series points will be awarded on this basis.

9.4 Fleet points will be awarded depending on the fleet categorisation and quantity of races completed in a boat described by that fleet categorisation.

9.5 A boat's series score shall be outlined in the Sailing Instructions for that series or regatta.


10.1 Prize giving for the race series will be presented at the corresponding 'End of Series Regatta' per the club calendar on the Bartley Sailing Club website

10.2 Prizes will be awarded for the Saturday Handicap Series, Saturday Pursuit Series, Sunday Series, and End of Series Regatta at a minimum for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. Fleet prizes will be organised by fleet captains as appropriate.

10.3 Prizes for Series organised by participants (Wednesday afternoon and Tuesday evening series per Club calendar) shall be managed by the respective fleets and participants.


11.1 Rule 3 of the Racing Rules of Sailing states: "The responsibility for a boat's decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone."

Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in the event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that:

(a) They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event;

(b) They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their other property whether afloat or ashore;

(c) They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions;

(d) Their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate;

(e) The provision of a race management team, patrol boats and other officials and volunteers by the event organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities;

(f) The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances;

(g) It is their responsibility to familiarise themselves with any risks specific to this venue or this event drawn to their attention in any rules and information produced for the venue or event and to attend any safety briefing held for the event;

(h) Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third party insurance with a minimum cover of £3,000,000 against third party claims;


12.1 Competitors participate in the series or event entirely at their own risk. See RRS 3, Decision to Race. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the race or regatta.

Last updated 18:06 on 6 July 2024

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