Bartley Sailing Club - How it works : Bartley Sailing Club
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Bartley Sailing Club - How it works


How is the club run?

The club is volunteer run as a Limited company with all members as minority shareholders. The club directors are all volunteers as are the committee. The director roles are as follows:


Overall accountability for the club and its operation

Vice Commodore

Responsible for the watersports programme

Rear Commodore

Responsible for facilities and equipment

Hon Treasurer

Responsible for the club accounts and financial control

Hon Secretary

Responsible for process compliance and member interface

The committee members are typically either stakeholders or people with specialist skills that can help the club progress its business plan.

The committee and directors are voted in at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year.

(Meet our current committee)

How do partner organisations connect with the Sailing Club?

Andrew Simpson Centre Birmingham is a subset of the wider Andrew Simpson Foundation with bases throughout the country. ASC Birmingham pay a percentage of their turnover to Bartley Sailing Club to support the maintenance and club investment strategy. ASC Birmingham is Bartley Sailing Club's training partner and is a registered RYA training centre.

BartleySUP operates as a subset of Bartley Sailing Club and has representation on the Committee. Membership is administrated through the Sailing Club.

Tilly's Galley operates as a franchise providing Galley and Bar service as well as room and event bookings.

There are a number of group memberships for universities, schools, council, cadets, scouts, and radio-controlled boaters. Members of these groups use the facilities through their group membership terms and conditions

How can members help out?

The club relies on its members to operate successfully. We all have day jobs or other commitments, but if you do have some time and skills to give then please reach out to the committee and we will gladly use the help


Last updated 20:28 on 12 January 2025

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